Lower Limb. (Lateral View)
Subspecies: Homo sapiens sapiens and Canis lupus familiaris.
1. Femur
2. Patella
3. Head of Fibula
4. Fibula
5. Tibia
6. Tuberosity of the Tibia
7. Anterior Crest of the Tibia
8. Lateral Malleolus
9. Sacrum
10. Interior Superior Iliac Spine
11. Posterior Inferior Iliac Spine
12. Head of Femur
13. Head of Femur14. Pubic Bone
15. Ischium
16. Metatarsal Bones
17. Phalanges
18. Calcaneus
19. Posterior Superior Iliac Spine
20. Sesamoid Bone
21. Tarsus
22. Iliac Crest

Human Skull. (3/4 View)
Subspecies: Homo Sapiens Sapiens
1. Frontal Bone2. Frontal Process
3. Superciliary Arch
4. Zygomatic Process
5. Zygomatic Bone
6. Maxilla
7. Alveolar Process
8. Mental Foramen
9. Incisive Fossa
10. Canine Fossa
11. Infraorbital Foramen
12. Zygomaticofacial Foramen
13. Nasal Cavity
14. Orbital Cavity
15. Supraorbital Foramen
16. Foramen For Vein
17. Arcus Zygomaticus
18. Parietal Bone
19. Temperal Bone
20. Meatus Acusticus Externus
21. Lower Incisor Teeth
22. Upper Incisor Teeth
23. Condylar Process
24. Lower Canine Tooth
25. Upper Canine Tooth